Summer School 2017 (Lance) Good & the Beautiful Language Arts

Throughout the summer we have been doing a little school here and there. Two days ago the weather wasn't overwhelmingly hot so Lance and I went outside to do a little school. Here he is working in his multiplication journal by Leslie Monroe. He alsow worked in his Dyslexia Games book. I read my book (that I lost and haven't been able to finish.=), Lance is also working on some Language Arts by the Good and the Beautiful . We are using this three times a week for 30-40 minutes a day. Once school starts back up we will use it four times a week. I had him start at a lower level and we are going to go through them a bit faster. Below he's brushing up on his cursive practice using The Good & the Beautiful Handwriting program. Once he completes the course I'm going to have him continue practicing with Trace-a-Story: Bible . You can take a peek inside the multiplication book by Leslie in this video below. See the inside of the Handwriting book by The Good & the ...