Dyslexia Games
Sarah Janisse Brown, the creator of this one of a kind therapy program, encourages to stop all other forms of Language Arts and use Dyslexia Games only. Dyslexia Games will become your child's temporary Language Arts program.
The reason Sarah encourages that we have our child stop their formal Language Arts or Phonics/Reading program when using this to help Dyslexic children is so their brains can be in a more "relaxed" mode. The child is not stressed and thus can concentrate and "work" at the logic puzzles to get the left and right sides of the brain working together.
Because this giveaway is for a set of physical books it's opened to U.S. Residents only.
Because this giveaway is for a set of physical books it's opened to U.S. Residents only.
When using Dyslexia Games it is instructed for some of the logic puzzles that your child use a smooth black pen. This is so your child will see a "continuous" line from the art in the book to your child's. Many times (especially the younger ones) your child will get really excited that you (mom/parent) won't be able to notice where their drawing begins from the one in the book.
If your child would like to use another color that is fine too.
To see some peek inside videos you can visit my YouTube Channel.
Please visit my Thinking Tree Page to see many of the beautiful journals Sarah Janisse Brown has created for children with Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, struggling readers, brilliant thinkers, and/or creative learners!
If you'd like to build your homeschooling around Dyslexia Games add a Core Journal (those are the journals that have over 300 pages). That is all! Have your child complete a few pages a day in the Core/Main Journal and do Dyslexia Games.
You can slowly add other subjects in like Spelling, Math, Writing, Geography, and History. Sarah created all her journals to be 'low' stress, so even if a child is using Dyslexia Games, he can use a few of the other journals as well.
See my Thinking Tree page for links to video and written reviews.
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