Eclectic Journal (Space Cover) Review

I have been helping Sarah from The Thinking Tree write some of the Amazon descriptions. After I had written about twenty of them, we realized that Amazon only allows so many characters/words, haha, so we have to take some words out. My goal when writing the description was to really give you mamas an idea of what was in that particular journal. I get so many questions with people wanting to know this-or-that about a journal. I thought all that work, and we have to shorten the description, hehe. Anyway, Sarah and I thought it would be great to share with you all. Eclectic Journal (Space Cover) Is mom needing a break from teaching for 6 weeks?!?! Would you like to give your child four hours of fun and guided learning so you can get some much-needed housework done or teach another child? The Do-it-Yourself Homeschooling Journal can help! This journal is recommended for ages 9-17 and works best if your child reads at a 2 nd or 3rd-grade level. The Do-it-Yourself Homeschool ...