Horse Dreams by The Thinking Tree Review
I've been helping Sarah from The Thinking Tree write some of the Amazon descriptions. After I wrote about twenty of them we realized that Amazon only allows so many characters/words, haha, so we have to take some words out. My goal when writing the description was to really give you mamas an idea of what was in that particular journal. I get so many questions with people wanting to know this-or-that about a journal. I thought all that work and we have to shorten the description, hehe. Anyway, Sarah and I thought it would be great to share with you all.
Horse Dreams (by Naomi)
Do you have a horse loving daughter in your home between the ages of 7-10 (or a little older)? If so The Thinking Tree has a journal just for her! Horse Dreams has 180 Learning Games, Lessons, & Activities. This one is extra special because 11-year-old Naomi Brown (the author’s daughter) illustrated and helped put this one together. What an inspiration Naomi is to other girls her age!
Action Steps: Go to the library or bookstore, bring home a stack of at least FIVE interesting books about horses (make sure to choose some with pictures and diagrams and illustrations), and few horse movies too along with gel pens, colored pencils, and a pen or pencil.
Depending on the age and goals your daughter can complete between 2-5 pages a day for a few hours of delight directed and fun learning.

Subject and Topics included in this journal:
~Coloring pages: use crayons, gel pens, or colored pencils. Let the child add to the picture and make it her own using!
~Five Facts About Me: this page has an illustration to color and write down facts about it.
~To Do List page: this page has space for your daughter to write her list of things to do, draw & doodle, and a How are you Feeling Today? (she can color the emotion face).
~Art & Logic: here she will draw the missing part.
~Reading Time page: she can write & draw about what she read.
Photographs of real horses throughout are used in this journal.
~Backyard Science page: draw or write about the things you see outside.
~Cursive Writing Practice: half the page has a cursive upper & lowercase font. The second half of the page has lines to practice cursive.
~Spelling Time: this page has your daughter use her books to find 10 words that start with a certain letter (you choose the letter).
~Color & Trace the Horses: an illustration drawn by Naomi to color and trace.
~Movie Time: watch a movie, documentary, or tutorial about horses and write/draw and rate it.
~Math Design Time: graph paper for math practice, lessons, stable designs, or notes.
~Trace & Color: a two-page spread. On the left is a photograph of a real horse on the right is the same horse but printed in lighter ink for your daughter to trace & color.
~Copywork: copy a paragraph from one of her books and below she can illustrate it.
~Draw Anything page: be creative and draw anything
~ list to an audiobook, classical music, or read aloud and doodle or draw on this page. There is also space to write what your daughter listened to.
~Creative Writing: this page has a picture that your daughter will write about.
There are Photographs of real horses throughout are used in this journal
The paper in this journal is a nice cream colored paper which is great for dyslexic students.
The Horse Dreams Journal uses the Dyslexie Font by Christian Boer.
Use this book along with Dyslexia Games Therapy to help your child overcome problems with reading, writing, and spelling. Visit and choose Series A for ages 5 to 8, or Series B for Ages 8 to 12.
The Do-it-Yourself Homeschool Journal: Horse Dreams is great for students with Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and other learning challenges. Sarah Janisse Brown is a dyslexic therapist and creator of Dyslexia Games ( Sarah has helped many moms Flip to Fun-Schooling using her Curriculum Journals.
This homeschooling journal is great for busy families, unschoolers, eclectic learners, Charlotte Mason inspired, and delight directed learners. Even some textbook moms have found success using this method with their boxed curriculum.
What others are saying:
“We have really enjoyed Horse Dreams Fun-schooling Journal. It is the first thing my 10-year-old daughter wants to complete each morning. She enjoys the freedom of expression it employs while getting to explore the world of horses. This has been a joy to use and has added a lot to our daily homeschooling routine. A definitely recommend.” Lori A
“What a breath of fresh air for the tired homeschool mom! My daughter loves this book, and I found myself sneaking to color in it so often, that I ended up with one of the Mom Journals :-)” Amazon Customer~J&A
Take a peek inside this journal.
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