Summer Learning Handbook by The Thinking Tree (Review)

I've been helping Sarah from The Thinking Tree write some of the Amazon descriptions. After I wrote about twenty of them we realized that Amazon only allows so many characters/words, haha, so we have to take some words out. My goal when writing the description was to really give you mamas an idea of what was in that particular journal. I get so many questions with people wanting to know this-or-that about a journal. I thought all that work and we have to shorten the description, hehe. Anyway, Sarah and I thought it would be great to share with you all.

Fun Schooling with the Thinking Tree

Summer Journal
Kids out of school and need something to keep their minds active, that’s where the Summer Journal comes in.  If your child can read at least a 2nd-grade level and is between the ages of 7 to 17 then he or she is ready for some fun learning through the summer (or any time of the year). Younger children may need some help while older children can work independently.

Theme: Forest & Summer Garden

The Summer Learning Handbook For Creative Kids 60 Day plan uses library books, online tutorials and documentaries, nature study, and the internet (but don't worry they'll be using books more). With 300 pages of fun learning for your child. Have your child complete 5-6 pages each day which comes to about 2-3 hours of fun & guided learning. 

Action Steps: Go to the library or bookstore and have your child choose at least eight books, provide a pencil, a smooth black pen, colored pencils or gel pens and let the fun begin!

Many children are more interested in books than textbooks. Now you can turn any stack of books into a customized curriculum for your child without a lot of work on your part. This is an excellent way to deepen their knowledge in topics that are of interest to them!

The Summer Journal starts each day with a Circle Today’s Date page which makes it easy for your child to know where to start and stop each day. There will always be some sort of writing a lesson for your child either through copywork or being asked to write about their day or the child may be encouraged to illustrate a picture and write about it. Copywork may be from their book some days but other times it will be through copying a recipe.

About every other day or so there is a 1 hour Reading Time page. Your child will choose a book to read for 15 minutes then write or draw something about it. Your child will use four books to read, write and/or draw about. An hour may sound like a lot but don't worry, it doesn't have to be all in one sitting. If he needs a break from reading complete the Screen Time page next! How fun to turn a documentary, movie, or YouTube tutorial into school time! Watch, write, & draw about it!

With the Summer Journal your child searching their books for spelling words or if he/she needs to get up and move, have him look around the house for words. Your child will be interacting with the words from his books or cereal boxes and copying them in his journal.

Other pages included (pages are rotated~only about 5 pages will be completed each day):
Coloring page -illustrations to color
Illustrated To-Do List (draw what needs to be done or write if your child prefers)
Copywork -copy a passage of your child's choosing from a book
Draw a Meal Plan -draw and illustrate what was eaten that day, make a meal plan or tie it into history and draw what the person from the era of history you are studying would have eaten!
Recipe -your child will copy a recipe from a cookbook
My Thinking Page -child will write goals, ideas, I’m thankful for, and a checklist
Sketch a Picture -gives the child a chance to be creative and wind the brain down to process the learning from the previous subjects!
Relax and be Creative -coloring pages, this activity may help improve concentration and build creative thinking. We need our kids to color more =)
Nature Study - a nice break and 'excuse' to put the books away and go the kids outside!
Listening Time -listen to an audio book or classical music and color or draw another great brain exercise that can help our children retain more information. 
Learning a Skill -a place for your child to write/draw/describe a new skill they are learning whether it be woodcutting or growing tomatoes!

The Summer Journal 60 Day Plan is great for students with Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and other learning challenges. Sarah Janisse Brown is a dyslexic therapist and creator of Dyslexia Games (  Sarah has helped many moms Flip to Fun-Schooling using her Curriculum Journals. 

This homeschooling journal is great for busy families, unschoolers, eclectic learners, Charlotte Mason inspired, and delight directed learners. Even some textbook moms have found success using this method with their boxed curriculum.

What others are saying:

“It's summertime and school is out. Your kiddos have a lot of time on their hands now. Studies have shown that students who don't read during the summer break see their reading abilities decline. Not good. If you're looking for a fun way to keep your kids’ reading than you might want to try Summer Learning Handbook for Creative Kids 60 Day Plan.” ~Homeschooling6

A great book for anyone looking to do some interest based learning. My kids love picking their topics and especially the film and nature study pages.” ~Amazon Customer

Take a peek inside this journal, enjoy!


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