Mom's Fun-Schooling Handbook

Now that the school year is winding down (for me at least, 4 of my babies are gone for the summer), and homeschooling mamas everywhere are getting ready for another fabulous year! I have something that might help. Actually it's a gift from The Thinking Tree . Sarah is giving away a sample of her Fun-Schooling Handbook! Almost 100 pages! And there is a bonus page in the back ~how to make Green Lemonade an energizing drink for all you mamas! Sarah has allowed a handful of bloggers to share this download. You can download your FREE sample of the Fun-Schooling Handbook for Moms HERE . Please be kind and do not sell the download. It's against copyright laws. If your friends would like a copy please have them drop by Homeschooling6 to download theirs thank you =) Read my review HERE it has some wise words from Sarah Janisse Brown about fun-schooling! And watch a quick peek inside video below. I want to thank The Thinking Tree for allowing me to share this 95...