Fun Schooling: Video School Wednesday

We started a new schedule here at Homeschooling6. In fact, we had our first day Monday the 19th, our first full day anyway. We have been schooling a little here-and-there throughout the summer.

Today, Wednesday, was Video Day, meaning we did Bible, History, and Math using our curricula and videos the rest of the day. On Video Day the kids fill in the Film Study page from their Thinking Tree Journal.

Fun Schooling Video Basket

This is what our day looked like:

7:00 A.M. I woke all the kids up. I was up at 6:00 (I'm not liking it one bit 😜)
8:00 Bible Time, we are using A.C.E New Testament Survey. I read through the lesson. We are also learning God's Names. Normally Bible Time is an hour but on Video Wednesday we shorten our lessons so we can watch lots of videos.
8:30 History - The Good and the Beautiful Level 1. I rotate this, so one day we do history and the next science. Next Wed. maybe a science day.
9:00 Math Time - all the kids get out math books and did 30 minutes of math. Normal time is 40-50 minutes.
10:00 we started late. We were supposed to start at 9:30 but we got distracted.
From 10:00-11:45 we watched:

  1.  A Noble Experiment -with this we are watching the video together and discussing the questions in the workbook. I actually use the Teacher Manual. Today we watched Lesson 2 Foundational Principles
  2. The Presidents - Washington and Adams
  3. Adventure Novel - Lesson  The Heroic Quest
  4. Max McLean -Genesis
12:00 we had lunch!
1:00 the kids completed to pages from their Thinking Tree Journals.
2:00 the kiddos studied AWANA verses and that was it! Normally our "school" ends at 3:00 but on Video Day it's an early day!


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