Back to Homeschool 2017/2018

Wow, another year has officially begun here at Homeschooling6! I have only six years left of homeschooling. Wow, can you believe that mamas?!?!


We started full sing Monday the 18th of Sept. but are actually on our 3rd week. Our school start-up is a bit weird. Sept. 18th is considered our first day but we are on week three.

We had visitors the previous two weeks. One being my Mother-in-law, so we did part time school those weeks.

We started a new schedule Monday too! And I LOVE it! Here is how our homeschool week looks for Caleb 11th, Brent 10th, Ethan 9th, and Lance 7th. Annette does her Heart of Dakota/Fun-Schooling using The Thinking Tree.

My Boys are using different curricula and Thinking Tree.

Monday, Thursday, & Friday Schedule:
6:30 A.M. Mom wakes up. I make my hubby a smoothie every work morning.
7:00 Wake the kids, shower, get my bulletproof coffee ready.
8:00 Bible Time with Caleb 11th, Brent 10th, Ethan 9th, and Lance 7th.
9:00 History/Science - we rotate. One day we do History the next day Science and so forth.
10:00 Everyone pulls out their math books.
11:00 Caleb & Brent do Latin, Ethan works with me. We do Language Arts together. Lance does JAM -Minecraft School.
12:00 Lunch Hour!
1:00 Caleb & Brent do Language Arts, Ethan Thinking Tree School, Lance works with me doing Language Arts.
2:00 Everyone completed two pages in their Thinking Tree Journals.
3:00 Hopefully everyone finished their assignments

Leslie Monroe Homeschool Log Book

Tuesday Schedule is a little different because I go Live on Facebook at FREE HOMESCHOOL 101. From 6:30-8:00 A.M. the schedule is the same.
8:00  I get ready for my Broadcast (I review and talk about Thinking Tree Journals) the kids do Math.
9:00 I am Broadcasting. Caleb & Brent are doing Latin, Ethan & Lance are doing Thinking Tree School.
10:00 I'm going over my Broadcasting comments & questions and the Kids are working on independent school for the rest of the day. We are still tweaking our Tuesdays.

Wednesday is Video School Day! Our day looks something like this:
Same morning routine but we cut the first to "classes" in half.
8:30 Bible
8:30 Science/History
9:00-12:00 we watch educational videos!
12:00 Lunch
1:00 audio book or more video school
2:00 work on Film Study page in our Teen Journals from The Thinking Tree.

I need to do a an updated review on Leslie Monroe's Homeschool Hours Log Book! I love it. You can take a peek inside HERE.


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