Teach by Example - Mom School Week 4
Another great week of Mom School. Because we've been super busy with packing and getting things ready for the move I've downsized my Journal to the Pocket Journal this week and kept to two books.
Skinny School has been a really fun read and even though it's to help one become slim and healthy (don't let the word "skinny" deter you from picking up this book) and I've incorporated much of what is says, it was a great read. I love how each chapter is a lesson and there is a lot of great advice which I found helpful in other areas of my life.
Here's a few quotes from the book: "Put on a mind-set that you have to pay a price for your goals. You will have to make choices, giving up some good things to get the best thing." and Champions take the time to figure out what is needed, to carve the time to do it, set margins so they will have energy to accomplish their top goals . . ."
The book talked about how "Champions" just don't become champions, they work at it, they pay a price to get what they want. In the book the character Jackie wants to lose weight so she needs to give up "bad" food like sugars and bread. She eats when she's down or feeling bad about something.She needs to stop her emotional eating. The "Genie" in the book helps her by giving her better choices but it's up to her to follow through just like other things in life. I need to stay focused on my four goals for the day but it even got me thinking about our homeschool (which is another whole post).
I didn't know that I was going to reevaluate some of my own goals when I picked up Skinny School so my fun and "care-free" book that I picked because we've been so busy and I didn't really want to "think" so to speak was a book that really got me thinking =)
I also read Different ~The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him. I must say at times I feel like a mom who is not in-tuned to her kids because Sally seems amazingly in-tuned. With that said though, I see where as a mom I need to do better. Maybe I can scroll less on Facebook and play a game with the kids instead or pray more for the different needs of my children.
Reading about Nathan's life is an eye-opener. He makes this mom think. Maybe at times when one of my little ones was acting up (although my kiddos are not little anymore) maybe instead of correcting I should have did so and so, I don't know. I think I have some pretty great kids and I can't redo the past so it's forward. From here on out I can "think" hmmm, why is this child reacting to X and how should I respond?
Hopefully with moving and all the kids will see that I can still learn and fill in my pages of my Mom School stuff. Praying that they see me taking the time to read, write, and ponder ~ Teach by example!
Wow, this round of Mom School is looking so different from last years. This season instead of grabbing some of their school books and learning their history and science I am getting some much needed Now School for me. Realizing that I need to set goals, take time out from my busy day to really 'read' my kids, and SLOW.
Are you Teaching by Example and getting some Mom School done? Are you jumping in and doing some of the same assignments that your kiddos are doing or like me this round, documenting and writing what your are learning with some mom-nightstand books? Either way our children are seeing us Teach by Example. Don't forget to show them your work and what you are learning.

Skinny School has been a really fun read and even though it's to help one become slim and healthy (don't let the word "skinny" deter you from picking up this book) and I've incorporated much of what is says, it was a great read. I love how each chapter is a lesson and there is a lot of great advice which I found helpful in other areas of my life.
Here's a few quotes from the book: "Put on a mind-set that you have to pay a price for your goals. You will have to make choices, giving up some good things to get the best thing." and Champions take the time to figure out what is needed, to carve the time to do it, set margins so they will have energy to accomplish their top goals . . ."
The book talked about how "Champions" just don't become champions, they work at it, they pay a price to get what they want. In the book the character Jackie wants to lose weight so she needs to give up "bad" food like sugars and bread. She eats when she's down or feeling bad about something.She needs to stop her emotional eating. The "Genie" in the book helps her by giving her better choices but it's up to her to follow through just like other things in life. I need to stay focused on my four goals for the day but it even got me thinking about our homeschool (which is another whole post).
I didn't know that I was going to reevaluate some of my own goals when I picked up Skinny School so my fun and "care-free" book that I picked because we've been so busy and I didn't really want to "think" so to speak was a book that really got me thinking =)
I also read Different ~The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him. I must say at times I feel like a mom who is not in-tuned to her kids because Sally seems amazingly in-tuned. With that said though, I see where as a mom I need to do better. Maybe I can scroll less on Facebook and play a game with the kids instead or pray more for the different needs of my children.
Reading about Nathan's life is an eye-opener. He makes this mom think. Maybe at times when one of my little ones was acting up (although my kiddos are not little anymore) maybe instead of correcting I should have did so and so, I don't know. I think I have some pretty great kids and I can't redo the past so it's forward. From here on out I can "think" hmmm, why is this child reacting to X and how should I respond?
Hopefully with moving and all the kids will see that I can still learn and fill in my pages of my Mom School stuff. Praying that they see me taking the time to read, write, and ponder ~ Teach by example!
Wow, this round of Mom School is looking so different from last years. This season instead of grabbing some of their school books and learning their history and science I am getting some much needed Now School for me. Realizing that I need to set goals, take time out from my busy day to really 'read' my kids, and SLOW.
Are you Teaching by Example and getting some Mom School done? Are you jumping in and doing some of the same assignments that your kiddos are doing or like me this round, documenting and writing what your are learning with some mom-nightstand books? Either way our children are seeing us Teach by Example. Don't forget to show them your work and what you are learning.

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