Teach by Example ~ Mom School (Week 2)

I'm excited week 2 of Mom School, teaching our children by example was a lot of fun. I enjoyed diving into a stack of books that I had selected. I didn't read from all of them this week but did finish Who Moved the Cheese?
Mom School ~ Teach by Example
I learned that we should be aware of things changing. I don't like change so this was a good book for me to read and I'm going to reread it to Lance via the kid's version. I believe being "aware" and expecting or knowing and preparing for change ~ that it's a good trait to have so we don't get stuck "waiting" for the cheese to come back. Sometimes I can be so stubborn with not wanting things to change, for instance with my kiddos, they are all growing up. I can either accept it or waste time (which is super precious) wishing that they would stay little. Now that would be a pity. Instead of enjoying their young adult-ness (my own word) I'm wallowing in my "no cheese" zone not wanting things to change.

This week I actually used two student journals. I added the Winter Boys Journal as well. It's pretty similar to the Winter Girls Journal but I thought since it belonged to my boys it would resonate better with them when seeing mom use it.

This page was completed in the Winter Girl Journal. I had just finished reading from Teaching from Rest.
I wanted to share pages from the Winter Boy Journal but I couldn't find it this morning (Monday). It's been a busy week of packing, (yes we are moving!!!) so it's probably under a box or something. In the journal I used the Math Time pages with my boys. We practiced our mental math. I did it on paper and worked out the math problem while they did it mentally.
Teach by Example ~ Mom School
I carry my 365 Thanksgiving Journal around with me and I jot things down that I'm thankful for. I don't use this daily like I should but do use it at least four times a week. Some days I actually complete two pages and other days I may stay on a page for a few days.

Are you Teaching by Example and getting some Mom School in? If so, please link up below, you don't have to use a Thinking Tree Journal to do Mom School, just pick up a book or your child's book, read, jot down a few things you learned (maybe fill in a timeline, use a notebooking page, etc.) and show your child that you did a little Mom School.



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