Homeschooling Pictures (Week 3)

Brent and Caleb doing their Bible study with me and Ethan looking up words in the dictionary. Please excuse our mess in the background. For some reason the rotating cupboard thing always stays open and makes for a messy look. I miss lots of picture taking because of the cluttered look but decided on this day to just take the picture. I miss school pics of my kiddos. Below Caleb is working on Bible. Brent completing school. I think he's working on Travel Dreams from The Thinking Tree . Below is a page from Brent's Biology book: Discovering Nature Series ~ Summer by the Sea This year Ethan will use How to Make Money by The Thinking Tree. Some weeks he'll complete four pages ~other weeks one or two. He also completes one or two journal pages a day. Right now he's working his way through the Library Based Boys Journal . Lance working through his phonics/reading program: Blast of to Reading Brent and Caleb making pizza for lunch. This is just for them two...