
Showing posts from July, 2016

This Crazy ~ Wonderful Life of Mine

It's been crazy busy again. My husband's grandma passed away earlier this month so we made an unexpected trip and were gone for five days. We are sad to see her go but at the same time happy that she's with Jesus. She had a stroke about eight years ago and couldn't do anything for herself. Not even talk. Someone had to feed her, bath her, just do everything. I can't imagine living like that. We arrived home the same day Annette's plain was due to land. Yay! She actually beat us home. She and her Auntie. When we arrived home after a very long 10+ hour car drive, Annette was here to greet us. I've missed my baby girl so much. She's home and working on a sewing project. It's nice to have my Murder She Write buddy back. We've been watching two a day =) Joshua is finishing up his school year. Next month he graduates. He's a little late because he's been so busy with work. His regular Starbucks job, working for his dad (lots of hail damage and ...

A Teen's Guide To The 5 Love Languages (Review)

Years ago when my kiddos were little my husband and I read The Five Love Languages of Children. It really helped us to understand each of our child's love languages. We see which kids that need more mom & dad time, affirmation, and others who likes little gifts. There is a whole series on the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I was blessed to receive and review A Teen's Guide To The 5 Love Languages . Quote from the publisher: "In A Teen’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages, Chapman lays a foundation for what love really is (a choice) and how that translates into all relationships, and takes teens step-by-step through each of the individual love languages—words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and touch. He outlines the general characteristics of each love language, explains the various dialects within each language, and offers practical examples of how to communicate the love languages in the daily ups-and-downs of relationships. He also spends time...

MasterBooks ~Biographies of the Revolution Set (Review)

Image is one of my favorite places to "hang" out online. I love, love, love, browsing their site for good books to use in our homeschool. I was excited to be able to review Biographies of the Revolution Set (The Fight for Freedom). What I received: The Fight for Freedom physical book and Teacher Guide. You can purchase the student text and  Teacher Guide as a download too! I love that Master Books has this option because I can easily print the student pages for more than one child. Suggested grade levels: 4th-6th The Teacher Guide (which I absolutely LOVE) includes a detailed schedule. You know me and schedules, I love having that option of things scheduled. Master Books has it down to what pages are to be read per day and when to use the student sheets. You don't HAVE to stick to the schedule but it's really nice to have has a guide and to keep one on track ; ) And as always, it's a suggested weekly schedule. You all can move as fast or slow or skip...

It Works! Hair, Skin, Nails (water)

Wow, day 26 already! I have four days of vitamins left (and another months worth is on its way!). Wahoo. Below is an unedited picture of my hair taken by me =) My hair isn't as red as some of the other photos. The lighting in some photos makes my hair color a bit off. My hair hasn't grown a whole lot, although I've noticed near my forehead and sides where since my baby days hair hasn't been there~ some new hair growth in those areas but not length, so not sure what's going on there. My hair is really curly so it's hard to tell. I have a lot of curls under the first layer of my hair too. Like really tight curls. I had to take these pictures myself with my phone so there aren't a lot of pictures with me showing the back, sorry. Even though these are not the greatest photos for the It Works! Hair, Skin, Nails challenge, I do like that you all can see a more natural look of my hair. It Works! Hair, Skin, Nails has you take two vitamin supplements and says to d...
I miss Ethan. He left to spend the summer in California. In the picture below he's helping me put some oils on the guineas, they have lice. My boys the day they left (Ethan and Brent).

Spelling Pack for Sale by The Thinking Tree!

(This is a pinned post - please scroll down to read the current days writing, thank you!) I'm excited to bring to my readers a neat sale of some of The Thinking Tree books. Sarah has been so kind to allow me to sell a Spelling Pack! This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure. Here's what's included in the Thinking Tree Spelling Pack: Teach Your Child to Read, Write, and Spell: 100 Easy Bible Verses - recommended starting age is 5-8+ years old.  Fun-Schooling Spelling Journal - recommended start age is 5+, don't let the age 5 fool you, this is great for kids as old as 13. I have Ethan working through this book. The Four Seasons Spelling Time - recommended age 8+ Bible Time Vocabulary 100 Words - 8+ Spelling Time: Master the Top 150 Misspelled Words - 10+ You get all 5 books 20% off the original price from Amazon (at the time of this post being written)- plus FREE SHIPPING!   To purchase these separately on Amazon you'd be paying over $100!!...

It Works! Hair, Skin, Nails Day 17

Wow, I went more than a week with reporting how my It Works! Hair, Skin, Nails 90 Day Challenge is going. Just been busy. I was going to do a whole other weeks worth of daily post but getting in and out of that white t-shirt is a pain, hehe. Not a whole lot of change. My hair is still being "freaky" as Lance would say ~with that gap of hair missing, so embarrassing. I always pull my hair back so I NEVER noticed before. Here is a Day 2, Day 7, and today's picture. I'm on Day 17. Nothing much yet but it's still early in the game. These pictures were taken the first week I started. My hair isn't much longer (yet). I think on Day 4 it was about the same as today's. What I have noticed is my skin is super, super soft. Even my feet are softer.  I have always had rashes. Ever since I was a kid. I usually got them below my elbow but they'd pop up other places too. The rashes would come and go. I've noticed since I've changed my eating habits 3+ years ...