Less Waste Challenge Week 2

Week 2 of the Less Waste Challenge (I still need to write week 1) My Less Waste Challenge -Week 2! This week I did go out more than last week. This was seven days from Thursday to Thursday and recorded on Friday. Thursday (I don't remember but probably stayed home) Friday: Went to Five Guys with Annette & my dad -Annette treated me to Boba Lush, I ordered an Americano (took my own cup!) Saturday: I don't remember Sunday: stayed home Monday: had lunch with a friend Tuesday: stayed home (although in the video I said I was with Annette but that was actually Wed. It was Tuesday I henna'd my hair 🤪 ) Wednesday: Orthodontics appt. went to Starbucks Thursday: Dad I went to thrift stores and ate at What-a-Burger Below, I copied from my YouTube Channel. I am on week two of my Less Waste Challenge. Some of the simple things I have done is not use plastic wrap, foil, plastic grocery bags, disposable cups, utensils, paper napkins, and towels. This is a bit long as I talk about ...