Summer Mama Goal

This summer I plan to get the schoolroom cleaned up. It has become a clutter room and not a good use of space. I have books, papers, toys, and just stuff everywhere. I really would like to take as many books out and keep mostly what we are using but I don't know where to put all the 'extra' books. Right now I'm putting them in boxes but after that, I am not sure where to put them. I don't want to put them in the garage because it gets so hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The above picture is what my schoolroom looked like when I entered this morning. My goal with this bookshelf is to put all our current school stuff here, in one place. I need to clear off this desk so Caleb can do school here. He loves having his own spot. I originally wanted this bookshelf to be my Thinking Tree shelf but the journals were too heavy and the shelf was bowing. Instead, I am putting the curricula that I need to go through, that I might use this coming year or next. Curricula ...