Can Having Too Many Books Become Stressful?

Wow, it's been three months since I've blogged. I can't believe how little I've been blogging. A lot has happened here at Homeschooling6 in the past six months. One of the reasons blogging has slowed down is I haven't been inspired to write. I feel like there is not much happening (even though it's been crazy around here). Another reason is I have the worst luck with technology. For some odd reason, I can't get my photos from my phone or camera do upload to my computer. I have to upload them to Facebook and then download the pictures to my computer before I can use the pics. When I put them on Facebook I usually post them as a private picture. In May I started a weird journey of me wanting to get rid of stuff - and I can't believe I'm saying this but a lot of what was on my heart to get rid of was my books, yup, can't believe I typed that. If you all have been reading my blog and "know" me you also may know how much I LOVE books! I have...